We are not alone

Helping connect families to the information, resources, and activism they need when dealing with the disease of addiction, with the death of an addict, and when dealing with the horrific growing number of parents who lost their child to fentanyl poisoning.

Focused on harms to youth: #ItsNotJustPot - #OnePillCanKill - #JustSayKNOW - as these harms killed Michelle & Jeff Leopold's forever 18 year old son, Trevor Leopold. May this activism help save other lives - and prevent other families from feeling the Leopold family's pain.

"Ending the Stigma" is a new Ace Hardware "Ace Heartware" story airing since August 2023, a mini-documentary about how Michelle & her six Stan's Hardware stores help their communities with Narcan training in their communities. 

View on YouTube here

Click here for more information related to Ace Heartware stories.

#OnePillCanKill messaging is now travelling across the country, and being submitted to local film festivals. THANK YOU Ace Heartware video editors, for combining our story with another Heartware story to make another powerful message in One Pill Can Kill.

August 2024:

THANK YOU for your support of the 3rd "TOOLS" of Fentanyl Awareness and Overdose Prevention. (CLICK HERE for more)

Not in the Bay Area and NEED NARCAN (Naloxone)?

Google "Free Narcan Near Me" 

or visit my friend Dr. Roneet Lev's website for a free prescription for Naloxone or Gloxxado: - High Truths Podcast Website - Naloxone Rx

(insurance co-pay will apply, usually $0-$40.)

If you get FREE Naloxone, please be sure to share with the organization if you save a life by using their free supply! This will ensure free shipments coming in the months ahead too.

Now Available

Over the Counter Narcan - recently approved for OTC by the FDA. $44.99 is the approved price.

Another brand has been approved at $36, supposedly coming in 2024.


Get involved in the NEW 

ODFreeMarin Action Teams

Learn more and sign up here

Michelle is grateful to serve on the 

Steering Committee of OD Free Marin


Learn why Michelle and friends started the grassroots group Marin4PublicHealth.com

Or scan the QR code to go to our 

website for Marin Residents

for Public Health Cannabis Policies



Measure K was soundly defeated on the November ballot. Sausalito Locals and Marin Residents for Public Health Cannabis Policies, prevented the monopoly on the ballot from taking away local control and stopped Big Cannabis-friendly laws that couldn't be changed without another ballot initiative. 

Learn more why Sausalito needed to VoteNoToK:



Michelle demolished the boundaries between her personal volunteer advocacy, and her work life, and organized SIX Events in the SF Bay Area, in the days

between Fentanyl Prevention & Awareness Day 8/21/22 

and International Overdose Awareness Day 8/31/22.

The "Tools" around Fentanyl Awareness and Overdose Prevention

at her six Ace Hardware stores, helped to raising awareness,

reduce stigma, and trained Narcan-wielding first-responders in our community, including many of Michelle's team members at her Stan's Hardware stores.

Details and links to media coverage: IOAD22 and Fentanyl 8/21/22 

Tweeting for Activists

Visit our webpage here if this is a helpful resource for your activism.

(Created right before X 😡argh.)

Please watch the video from 3/29/22, as Marin Students spoke out at this

important student-led webinar about the fentanyl crisis. 


Learn more:





For help, connect with michelle@wearenotalone.community

and join our Facebook We Are Not Alone Community

#SorryNotSorry from Michelle: I want to share that this website is not the main part of my community activism, it is just a resource that I use when sending people to "more information" about the areas which I speak about. I spend much more time on speaking to people, than on keeping this website up-to-date, for which I apologize and ask your understanding! Speaking out is much more important to me than keeping my website updated, so that's why this remains a work-in-progress and is incomplete.😘