
Fentanyl & Fentapills

The epidemic unknowingly threatening Marin's most vulnerable teens

By Taylor Elliott and Keely Ganong - Redwood Bark December 18, 2021

Whole issue at

By Henry Pratt, Archie Williams High School - News Editor | November 1, 2021

These are the groups I have participated in around fentanyl awareness, education, and advocacy.

Song for Charlie

After Ed and Mary Ternan's son Charlie died after taking ONE fake percoset laced with deadly fentanyl, the Ternans launched Song for Charlie. They introduced the term "Fentapill" - fake prescription pills containing fentanyl - and their website provides "Real Talk about Fake Pills" to young adults. Visit their website for tools for teachers and resources for parents too.

Stop Fentanyl Deaths

Jacqui Berlinn is trying to save her son, Corey, from death by fentanyl. She is raising awareness of this ever-present danger sold by dealers, and demanding change by our government and laws - to help keep her son - & other children - alive. 

Dan Schneider - 

"The Pharmacist"

In 1999, after losing his son Danny in a drug-related shooting in New Orleans and lacking answers from police, small town pharmacist Dan Schneider beat the odds when he embarked on a dogged pursuit to find and bring his son’s killer to justice. But months later, the ripple effects of his son’s addiction and tragic death would find him again when a troubling number of young, seemingly healthy people begin visiting Dan’s pharmacy with high dose prescriptions for OxyContin. Sensing a crisis long before the opioid epidemic had gained nationwide attention, Dan stakes a mission: Save the lives of other sons and daughters within his community. Then take the fight to Big Pharma itself. 

Dan is now using his platform to help raise awareness of fentanyl deaths as numbers climb.

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